
Name: Draknus

Age: 10 

Occupation: Galar league champion

Parents: Silver (Father location unknown) and Lyra (mother location Postwick)

Bio: After Ethan have defeated Silver in their final battle in the Johto Pokemon league Lyra ran into Ethan and Silver smiles this time since him and his Pokemon been through so much Silver walks of thanking Ethan for showing him that Pokemon are not just for battle that they can be our friends to Ethan believes Silver from his team seeing that Silvers Golbat finally evolved into a Crobat, Lyra tried following Silver but he kept telling Lyra to go away but after a couple of days of Lyra following Silver everywhere he went Silver finally gave in and told Lyra that that she can travel with him.

Lyra cheered with excitement standing next to Silver and asked him where they are going Silver replied to Lyra that he is trying to look search for my father he abandoned  me and my mother when I was really young Lyra looks sad but was happy that she could be with Silver and help.

After a couple of months Silver ran into Giovanni asking him why he left and mum Giovanni replied after Red defeated me and team Rocket was disbanded. I was confused and questioned my beliefs, I was on the run as soon as I had some free time I released all my Pokemon and asked them if they wanted to stay with me and keep travelling with me. Two of my Pokemon left the Pokemon that stayed with me was Nidoking, Nidoqueen, Rhydon and my starter Pokemon Persian.

Giovanni smiled and hugged Persian not knowing what I would have done if my most trusted companion would of left me after that me and my four Pokemon began travelling with no goal in mind. After a couple of months of travelling, I was walking across a construction site when all of a sudden a steel beam collapsed and fell towards me, before the steel beam could hit me Rhydon broke out of his Pokeball and blocked the steel beam. Protecting me in the process after that Giovanni regretted all actions he had taken against Pokemon and started to worry about Rhydons health but there was only one way he could heal his Pokemon was by turning himself in so Giovanni could save his Rhydon after he returned Rhydon into its Pokeball and went to the Pokemon centre.

Nurse Joy healed Giovannis Rhydon Joy turned Giovanni over to Officer Jelly and Detective Looker Jenny locked Giovanni away in Maximum Security cell after a year Ariana got a message from Archie that reform team Rocket to try and get Giovanni out of hiding knowing that this could be the best chance. Ariana accepted Archie offer leaving Silver behind. Ariana changed her hairstyle so Silver could never recognize her. Ariana also changed her voice with a voice manipulator one of their scientists have created hoping that even if Silver believes that I could be his mother since my voice is different Silver thinks I’m a different person during the same time a power surge causes the power to go out the power surge caused Nidoking to break out of his Pokeball going on a rampage in the prison after a couple of minutes, Nidoking breaks Giovanni out of his cell straight after Giovanni was broken out. Nidoking took Giovanni to his Pokeballs Giovanni quickly grabbed his Pokeballs and made a run for it with Nidoking.
The police was relentless with their pursuit of Giovanni until Giovanni discovered a cave behind a waterfall in Tohjo falls. Giovanni decided to hide there until the police lost sight of him and moved somewhere to get there though Rhydon somehow managed to learn not only surf but waterfall as well even it it meant Rhydon became exhausted afterwards.

Giovanni not only created a restoration machine for his Pokemon but a portable transport system for his Pokemon. Now Giovanni can switch his party if needed to.

Giovanni decided to switch his Persian for Kanguskan and added Honchkrow to her party Giovanni worried about his Rhydon he left it in the restoration machine not knowing how long it would take for it to fully recover half a year in Tohjo falls cave Giovanni managed to get his hands on a radio after Giovanni set it up Giovanni get a broadcast from Goldenrod declaring that team Rocket has returned and that they want Giovanni to come back.

When hearing this Giovanni questions everything he has learned about friendship and thinks if he should go back to how he starts however in the middle of the broadcast they mentioned that a kid has broke into the radio station and trying to take down every team rocket member who has taken over the broadcast tower after ten minutes Ethan made his way to the leader Archie, Ethan found the challenge quite difficult but with determination and belief in his Pokemon Ethan managed to pull of a win after the win Archie questioned all the things he has done and decided to do what Giovanni did two years ago and disband team Rocket again since most of the times we fail because of some up and coming trainer first Red.
Now it seems like history always finds a way to repeat itself after that the broadcast stops and team Rocket disbands again. Giovanni signs worried his admins would all be in trouble especially his wife Ariana as the broadcast ends Ethan walks into the cave that Giovanni has been hiding in and challenges Giovanni to a Pokemon battle.
After losing the battle Giovanni realises that no matter what time always repeats itself so Giovanni walks out accidentality falling off the path, as he plummets the current forces him into the water as the light fades. Giovannis eyes Rhydon rushed out of the restoration machine which was connected to his portable Pokemon transporter as Rhydon rushed out of its Pokeball to save Giovanni once Rhydon grabbed Giovanni hit rushed to the surface as fast as it can once out of the water both Giovanni and Rhydon gasped for air.

Giovanni thanked Rhydon with all his heart after that Giovanni decided that he would search for Ariana and probably settle down somewhere where no one knows us.

Giovanni looks at Silver and tells Silver that he is sorry for never being there for him and Giovanni is proud for how much Silver has grown and that Silver has found a companion he is happy to travel with now that everything is done Giovanni hugs Silver and Lyra wishing them a good luck and walks of in search for Ariana telling her that they should settle down together after Giovanni watched away Silver started crying tears of joy as Lyra held his hand watching Giovanni walk off into the sunset as Giovanni left Silver asked Lyra if she wanted to travel the world with him Lyra with determination in here eyes replied excited that she would love to join Silver to travel the world after three years of travelling together Lyra blushed and asked Silver if they could maybe become a couple since we’ve been travelling for so long Lyra blushed as she looked away as she did Silver walked up to her and hugged Lyra from behind saying to her that he had a massive crush on you for a really long time but I didn’t know how to ask you Lyra turns around and hugged back smiling as they continue travelling together but this time even closer together two years later they have their first kiss on top of Mount Lalakila in the Alola region they both were so happy about them finally managing to have their first kiss after so long Silver mentions to Lyra that after a couple of years he would like to settle down with Lyra, Lyra nods blushing they keep travelling from region to region for the next six years when finally they discovered a region completely closed of from every other region Silver was happy so they found a place to be together in peace they decided to settle down in a small cottage in Postwick a couple of years later they were happy seeing their younger son playing as they sit down happily then of of a sudden a news report showed up on the TV stating that a detective from the Sinnoh region has came to Galar in search for a trainer named Silver he’s wanted for stealing Pokemon from Professor Elm lab this Pokemon in question is a Totodile believed to be a Feraligatr now police will be searching every part of the Galar region to try to find him after seeing the news report Silver panics and tell Lyra that he wants to keep Lyra and Draknus safe so Silver would leave the region until the heat dies down and hopefully everything will be okay after saying that Silver kisses Lyra and runs off Silver summons his Feraligatr and rides off to a unknown location eight years later Draknus began his adventure with he battles with not only Lyras loyalty but Silvers determination winning every battle planning everything out to figure out the perfect victory until Draknus finally becomes the champion Lyra being so proud of him texting Silver about everything that has happened and that this is only the beginning.