Connectability are a support group for people with Additional Needs

“We provide everything you need to support your superstar with additional needs”

What we do

We support the vulnerable that may have been missed by the system.
We recognise the challenges of accessing support services and can respond to those challenges by offering alternative solutions.
If you are feeling lost in the system and do not know where to turn, connectability will share your journey and guide you to a resolution.

We share your frustrations

It should not be this difficult to find support in your local community.
Connectability gives you the support that you deserve.
We do not get any statutory support from the government. All funding is raised from local businesses and the local community.

We guide you through the process.

We recognise the determination that you need to navigate through the system.
Connectability have years of experience and can find the best solution to your personal needs. 

Our Plan 

We recognise the challenges of accessing support services and can respond to those challenges by offering alternative solutions.

Even if you are feeling lost in the system and do not know where to turn, connectability will share your journey and guide you to a resolution.

You can help!

We accept donations of any kind.
We need volunteer’s to help with our meet ups.

*Connectability have to generate revenue to provide support for dozens of families in our local community.

How You Can Help

CPOD coat of arms
Enjoy social activities and encompass respite opportunities.*
Share experiences and life hacks.

Enjoy social activities, encompassing respite opportunities.

CPOD coat of arms
Donate Time & Talent
Our group learn skills from the local community, From Art & Photography to transferrable skills such as content creation for our magazine. 

Click to download Connectability Disclaimer

Who We Are



Connecting people has always been important to me. No one should ever feel lonely or feel they are not good enough!

I founded connectability to bring people together. I’m so lucky with work alongside our members who are both brilliant and inspiring. Their determination to achieve is amazing!

Maxine Says "It’s really important to create memories and share friendships. Connectabiility is a way to help make that happen."




Linda is a volunteer with connectability and sociability. Linda has been with us since 2017 supporting the group with community activities. Her ability to help,  plan and run events means Linda is a fantastic support to us all!


Meet Wendy our parent ambassador! Wendy is a reliable supportive parent volunteer who supports the group to develop life skills. Wendy offers guidance and support with events and activities and is a trusted member of the connectability pod!



Meet Nicki, she is our resident artist that helps with the community magazine and shares her skills with the community. Always here to make sure the magazine content looks great.
We are so lucky to have the support of local partners. The Art Ministry Team host art in the park and social art session and sometime we have a virtual art club



Conner is an ATF Apprentice working with connectability and assisting at all sociability events. Conner has recently joined the team and helps at the social club and community activities!


Chloe works for South Essex Homes and comes along to help with our community magazine. Sharing group ideas and bringing them to life!


Meet Shaun our reliable volunteer connector who encouraged his peers to try new things supports them to learn skills and is an uno and PlayStation master!! Shaun is a brilliant role model for our members who smile and laughter lights up room instantly!


Aaron is our CPOD magazine host!

Connecting and guiding the press gang. The CPOD team work with Aaron each week to learn new skills, write blogs and create digital content for the magazine. During the sessions, the team create graphics, videos, podcasts, photographs and other digital content exclusively for the CPOD magazine.

connectability logo

What we provide.


We can accompany members to events, Help run and organise the Sociability weekly activities Enabling you to come together to have fun at social events and enjoy community projects together.


We raise awareness about living with additional needs and recognise the strengths of our communities no matter who we are.
We encourage connectivity. Everyone has the right to have aspirations and achieve. Everyone has determination that will unify us to be stronger together!


We provide volunteer assisted community access to support organising events, supervising the members to keep everyone safe and helping to organise activities and encourage you to join in!
Support with personal development through interactive activities and building life skills.

Our Clubs

Come and join us! 

Sociability club is held at Garons on Tuesday evenings 6:30-8pm.

We play board games, card games enjoy the gaming console.

We have art sessions, badminton and table tennis! 

Once every month we get together socially to enjoy the cinema and crazy golf, sometimes we have a drink down the pub.

This provides a safe fun sociable evening where we can come together meet friends and catch up.

Make A Real Change In Someone’s Life

First Social Session is free!

Come along to our Tuesday night session. Meet the Gang and Sample the fun. Join the creative atmosphere.


Online Mag

CPOD is a Play, Learn, Create project for young adults with additional needs develop life skills.

Visit our online magazine > CPOD.FUN

What else does CPOD do:











CPOD peas

CPOD Coat of Arms

Designed by GamerPlayer 99 – The magazine creates fun opportunities for everyone involved.

Cpod magazine

CPOD Pop Up Events

Learn how to draw design and create, digitally or physically. Learn to Play Pokemon and Create physical & digital content.

Our Contributors

Meet Draknus – He is one of our contributing editors for our online magazine. 

Thank You to Our Partners & Sponsors

connectability logo

Help CPOD be sustainable By Donating Today!