Make a £ Donation
We do not get any support from government.
Donate Stuff
We need contributions
Donate Your Time
Volunteers are needed to help at our meetups
We do not get any support from government.
We rely on donations to keep the community hub open.
Use the button below to donate to connectability
Donate Items
Donations accepted include bank transfers, personal cash gifts. Fundraising contributions.
Buy our Craftwork
The CPOD gang create something out of nothing on order to self fund this project. Buy our unique items here
Volunteer You and Your Friends
Whether you have a passion for artwork, photography, videography, editing, writing, pokemon or tik tok. We want to work with you. Can you help us teach our members new skills?
I have some electrical items such as gaming consoles and games, Do you accept them?
If you have any gaming technical, please contact us via email to review if we can accept any other items. [email protected]
I have large items that i would like to donate such as furniture, Do you accept them?
Same as above, we are open to accept anything. We just need to know what it is that you have before we can make a decision. Send an email to [email protected]
I have some perishable item, such as food. Do you accept them?
Once again we love to organise cooking lessons and we can use certain items. We just need to know what it is that you have before we can make a decision. Send an email to [email protected]