


CPOD Play, Learn, Create. What is CPOD? A local community project based for young adults with additional needs. CPOD along with many local and small enterprises have built an...

How to create a logo

How to create a logo

We all agreed that the best idea for a CPOD logo was a simple idea of using the term pod in its literal sense i.e Pod like Peas in a POD. Draknus went online to research all of the types of pod’s and what kind of things grow in pods.

Draknus – My Character

Draknus – My Character

Introducing Banksy We asked the CPOD creators to invent new characters for Pokemon Name: Banksy/Draknus Age: 10  Occupation: Galar league champion Parents: Silver (Father...

Why I love to Upcycle

Why I love to Upcycle

Upcycle definition: verb reuse (discarded objects or material) in such a way as to create a product of higher quality or value than the original."the opportunity to upcycle...

Passionate People HELP US

Volunteers wanted to help create Skills Workshops and Learning Programs This is our new HQ It needs a lot of work in order to make it ours but we...